Wednesday 27 April 2011

The Coundown to Princess Avangelina's 3rd Birthday!

Wow it is hard to believe that in 3 days my daughter will be 3! What? I have a 3 yr. old? Where in the world did time go to?  I would be lying if I said I am fine with this, I'm not! I feel like time is moving to fast now and I want it to slow down.
I had a conversation with Avangelina a few days ago and I told her, "Avangelina, can you please stop growing" and she looked at me like I had two heads and said, "why?"  Then I thought, geesh, how do you explain to a 3 yr. old that I do not want them to get any older?? So I just said, "I love you just how you are and I don't want you to get any bigger".  She just walked away.  Really what could she say **L**

So instead of focusing on the anxiety I have that life is moving to fast and before I know it she'll be 16, wanting to borrow the Ban a.k.a the Van and I will be sitting here freaking out!!! HA see there I go again!  .... but really onto the fun stuff!

I am SO excited about her birthday party! Avangelina is VERY into Princesses, not a shock for those of you who know her! Barely a day goes by that she isn't in a "party dress" and running around the house in heels.  And yes, she can run better in heals than I can.... we're in trouble!
She doesn't know yet, but we've hired Cinderella to show up at her party and I can't wait! I think I will have trouble sleeping Friday night.
We have invited all her little friends and they will get to decorate their own princess cakes and dress up like princesses and knights! 
And then after the friends party, we're moving right in to the family party, which should be good too, however, there goes the "healthy" eating.  Honestly, how do you hold back when there are just soooooo many delicious things to eat! Yes, it's my own fault for making them, but I can't help myself, I love entertaining everyone!
And to add to the specialness of the day, Avangelina will celebrate her 3rd birthday with her Aunt who is turning 40!

On that note, it's off to the Bulk Barn to buy candy for cake decorating!!

Sorry I know this one was long!

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